WiednermichlWiednermichl | Krottendorf |

27.08.2023 | 9:00 - 23:59

Metal and Tattoo Festival #5

#Heavy Metal
#Alternative Rock
#Black Metal
#Death Metal
#Fun Metal
#Doom Metal

5-Jahres-Jubiläum des mMetal and Tattoo Festival in Krottendorf. Vier Tage, 20 Bands aus sechs Ländern.

BANDS: Climax, Fairtrade Floyd, Voltwechsel, Behind The Rails, As God Created, Edicius' Dream, Veins of Suffering, Messcorade, Under Destruction, Morost, MĀRA, The Ene Of Radio, Kalah, Logical Terror, Inmate, Vertilizar, Alexis In Texas, Leons Massacre, Visions of Atlantis, Johnny Paper


Krottendorf 38

8564, Krottendorf

Datum: 27.08.2023
Uhrzeit: 9:00 - 23:59 Uhr

Restaurant: 9:00 Quiz Night: 19:00 Einlass Bühne: 21:00 Climax: 21:25 Fairtrade Floyd: 22:15 Voltwechsel: 23:15