Music House | Mondscheingasse 9, 8010 Graz | Graz | Party
14.06.2024 | 0:00 - 5:00
GreyNote x Noise Collage
#Freiwillige Spende
#Neue Musik
#Kulturpass Steiermark
Greynote and Noise Collage have a mission: make jungle massive again! Live at Music House.
That’s why Grey Collage aka Noisenote are inviting you to Musichouse on 14 June. Under the motto old friends, new basses we want to celebrate this together with you. It will be breaky, ravey, loud and late. Come to the city’s most iconic cellar for a fat portion of amen breaks with a pinch of happy heartcore and a detour into drum’n’space.
- masae (Antispace | GreyNote)
- pulp kitchen (GreyNote)
- sowie (GreyNote | Noise Collage)
- KanFun (GreyNote)
- berry hash (GreyNote | Noise Collage)
- Beverly Kills (Noise Collage)
- DJ Ausland (Noise Collage)
22:00 - 05:00
Music House
Mondscheingasse 9
8010, Graz
Datum: 14.06.2024
Uhrzeit: 0:00 - 5:00 Uhr
pay as you wish 5-10€ Preisempfehlung
pay as you wish 5-10€ Preisempfehlung
We don’t tolerate Racism, Sexism, Violence, Homo- and Transphobia. 18+